We strongly believe that success in science comes through collaboration, and that the most exciting ideas emerge from open chats with colleagues from around the world, with different perspective and cultural background. The Cellular Mechanobiology Lab is eager to interact and collaborate either internally (at the University of Glasgow) or at national and international level. Here we acknowledge some of our long lasting external collaborators and partners.
Silvia Caponi, Daniele Fioretto
Perugia, Italy
Giuseppe Di Caprio
Harvard Medical School
Boston, USA
Tomaso Zambelli
ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
Paolo Paoletti
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK
Gian Luca Lippi
Université Côte d'Azur
Nice, France
Charles Cox
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
Sydney, Australia
Peter Glynne-Jones
University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
Tullio Florio
University of Genova, DIMI
Genova, Italy
Boris Martinac
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
Sydney, Australia
Pietro Ferraro
Naples, Italy
Bruno Tiribilli
Firenze, Italy
Claudio Canale
Università di Genova, DIFI
Genova, Italy